I hope you’re enjoying sharing our journey.
Thursday was also Storm Doris day.
Thursday was also horse dentistry day! We had 3 booked in with the lovely Craig Griffiths at our local vets.
Thursday was pretty windy! We caught Beat and got him down for his session.
Craig asked me to make him look heroic and dashing- hope I’ve managed!!
Craig is an Equine Dental Technician. He does monthly clinics at the vets. Doing the horses at the vets gives us the option of sedation to ensure a pleasant and safe experience all round whilst allowing us to use a tooth expert. Whilst there are great vets with a special interest in dentistry, I generally prefer to use an EDT where possible. I don’t go to the GP for work on my teeth, why should the horses be any different?
We decided to book the other 2 in gorbext month- Doris was quite angry.
Friday was better weather. We took the opportunity to have some fun.
Rocky and Gary with the world at their feet.
And Friday was also the day our second dog arrived…
This is the first lie down – 20 hours later!!!
Lizzie doing dog whispering magic.
Happy Blogiversay Nelipotters ???