Equine Touch is a non-invasive hands-on system of bodywork, that addresses the whole horse with an organised series of unique, subtle and powerful moves. It is a gentle modality using a distinctive move focusing on soft tissue while the practitioner works with (not on) the horse both on a physical and an emotional level. Equine Touch, with its special sequence of soft tissue mobilisations, addresses established problems and, by locating and catching niggles early, can prevent minor strains and imbalances from becoming long-lasting issues or injuries.
Initial set up series works best as a set of 3 visits – holistic assessment and first rebalancing session then further 2 sessions over 3-6 weeks.
Maintenance or top up visits then recommended at 6-12 week intervals depending on horse and owner needs.
Costs $90 per session or $250 if 3 paid in advance, in Eurobodalla region.
Adjusted rates apply for travel further afield- please do get in touch and let’s get together to arrange multi horse or yard based visits